AlexTest forTalent

Talent develops gradually through the acquisition of good habits over time.


At a conference, an industrial psychologist lamented the lack of a construct for "effort". Courage the Cardinal habit of performing difficult operations for valuable goals, includes firm resolve, magnanificence (aiming high), perseverance, and other good commendable habits - all present in talented employees.


Prudence is the Cardinal habit of "good judgment". In action, it is the skill that direct resources towards objectives. It's the foremost quality credited by successful entrepreneurs for their achievements. It encompasses reasoning, understanding, sagacity, foresight and other habits - all traits possessed by talented employees.


Justice, the Cardinal habit of giving to each their due, embraces gratitude, generosity, sociability, truthfulness and fairness. It is also the habit that ensures integrity among talented individuals.


Temperance is the Cardinal habit of avoiding the abuse of good things, prevents talented employees from stubbornly clinging to favorite tools, work methods, departments, or projects, etc. when better alternatives exist. It also encompasses kindness and modesty in success, among other positive habits. It ensures nimble qualities of indiviuals and organizations and the non-toxicity of Talented individuals.